Why Twin Flames are Reuniting


For those who follow my blog, you will know that I very recently separated from my Twin Flame. I didn’t blog during our last couple of weeks together, because to be honest – I just didn’t know what to say. What can you say when you are in the process of leaving your Flame, your best friend, the person you love and trust most in the whole world?

Why do Twin Flames Separate?

A couple of people have asked why we separated. And it’s a fair question. Those who know us know just how close we are, how in tune we are with each other, how we can sense each other’s feelings instantly, and how we cannot be in the same room and not have physical contact. Even those who don’t know us personally may have got an understanding of our relationship from my novels, as our connection features in them, illustrating the depth of feeling for one another, and the devastation of the loss of each other.

We didn’t break up for any of the normal reasons. No one cheated, no one stopped loving, no one was abusive, no one lied or did anything wrong. And despite the fact that the relationship is over, and I now live several hours away, we still very much love each other and miss each other like crazy.

We have Strong Personal Missions

The truth is, we each have very strong personal missions. We each came to this earth to accomplish certain things, and even though having this incredible Twin Flame relationship has helped us both to grow and evolve and get started on our missions – in order to continue our missions, we must be apart. My mission is to write books that help Earth Angels to Awaken to their true purpose, and to then help others to Awaken. If I want to get my books out to a wider audience, then staying in the woods, in the beautiful sanctuary, is not the way to do it. I must go out into the world and get my books into people’s hands. I need to attend events, interact, and connect with others.

I felt compelled to listen to Rickie Byars Beckwith’s album – Let my Soul Surrender, on my journey to Brighton, and this song in particular summed it up perfectly:

The Connection can be Distracting

I realise that we could have chosen to have a temporary break, as our break up last year ended up being only for six months, but I feel that if we just continued our relationship long-distance, we would be too distracted by each other to fully concentrate on our missions. Not that we have cut off contact, we do check in with each other, and have been helping each other through this time of adjusting to being on our own, but as time passes, I imagine we will adjust and contact will lessen.

It’s Still Painful

Those who have met and perhaps also separated from their Flames will understand that it is still incredibly painful. No matter how many times we have parted in the past, it doesn’t get any easier. I have been too busy throwing myself into this new adventure that is Brighton to really allow it all to properly sink in, and I have no doubt that when I start to write my next book (which I am starting this weekend) that it will begin to really settle upon me that I will no longer be his, and that he will no longer be mine, and that from here onwards, we must move forwards in different directions.

Flames Reunite to Reignite Passion

I don’t know if it’s the same for other Flames, as all situations and people are unique, but I do think that Flames are reunited for the purpose of reigniting passion into our lives, for setting us on course to achieve what we decided to achieve before we got here, and then often we must then separate from our Flames to then accomplish all that we wish to. And like the infinity symbol, we will spend time apart, but then we will come into each other’s lives again.

Future Reunions are Possible

I have no idea if our paths will cross again in the future, but I would like to think that they will. Perhaps once we have completed our missions we will be able to reunite once more. Or perhaps we have had our time together in this life, and will not reunite again until we are both on the other side. For now, I am just trusting that the universe has very good reasons for nudging us to make this decision to be apart.

Twin Flames are Always Connected

One thing I do know for certain, is that no matter where we are, who we’re with, or what we are doing – we will always be connected, and we will always be Twin Flames, and we will always love and want the best for each other. And I am so very, very grateful for that.



18 comments on “Why Twin Flames are Reuniting

  1. About 30 years ago I had to make a big choice; Staying in Holland, working with people who needed help and guidance or move to Wales to live with the love of my life on an isolated farm. I choose to stay in Holland and do what I thought was the best for the ‘universe’. I did my good work but became increasingly unhappy when I was on my own. I decided to move to Wales after all and choose for my heart’s desire. I have never regretted the choice and I am doing different things from what I would have done in Holland but I believe I still contribute to the ‘greater good’. My advice; Follow your heart, that is what it is all about, after all……

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am so pleased that your choice brought you happiness, and yes you are making a big difference to all those you meet. Your advice to follow your heart is wise, even though at the moment it may seem as though I am not following it! xx


  2. do you have telepathic connections? do you connect in the physical remotely? Breakups are the same for any couple twin flame or not. so you are not alone! good luck!


    • We do still have a strong connection, he is often in my dreams, and we find the same things happening to us on the same day. I don’t think the connection can ever be broken, but we are moving on with our lives regardless.x


  3. Pingback: Goodbye 2014! Hello 2015! | Michelle Gordon

  4. U will reunite with ur flame. No matter what happens u will reunite. It’s destiny. They can run but eventually they will come back. Sometimes it takes many reunions to make it. So stay positive. It’s detrimental to the other flame. The energy u feel from them is strong. Give them the space they need. Once they get it they will come back. I’m in separation with mine right now. Been a couple of months. Anyway hang in there and work on yourself. Once that happens they will feel u and come back. They can’t avoid u no matter how hard they try…… Anyone who reads this knows how deep the pain is.. Worse thany anything I’ve ever felt. But i know in the long run it will work out. It may take awhile for the runner to realize what they are missing. But when they do u will reunite. . Let them come back on their terms. Do not press them or they will keep running. Be patient. Not a strong suit for me . And this is so hard to understand. U can’t tell ur friends or family cause they have no idea what it means. Look at others who have blogged about it. So many out there who know what you are going through. So seek them for comfort and understanding. Thats the only advice i can give. Good luck to u and your flame!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bless you Larry, thank you for your beautiful comment. My Flame and I came back together at Christmas, and are together now, though it’s still not been smooth sailing.
      I’m sorry to hear that you are in a period of separation at the moment, and I completely agree with you that the best thing to do is to work on yourself and to focus on the positives and trust that your paths will cross again when the time is right.
      Patience during the separations certainly isn’t my strong point!
      Sending love and light to you, please do keep in touch, I wish you the best.xx


      • Thanks Michelle!! U certainly know how it feels. I would rather he dragged behind a car for a thousand miles than to go through this pain again. It sometimes is too much to bear. I feel her energy at night. 6 hours ahead if me and i know she’s emotional at night. thats tough for me cause I’m not an emotional person. Usually happy and fulk of cheer..


      • Yes, I have definitely been where you are and feel your pain, I plan to write a post about cutting cords and releasing very soon, it might be useful to you. Just keep swimming, as Dory would say, and know that you are certainly not alone! Sending love and light to you. xx


  5. Thanks again Michelle. It helps to talk to someone who has been there. Someone who understands what this is. It goes beyond rational beliefs. And most people don’t understand. I will keep swimming. Funny cause i saythat a lot. So the only way to understand and cope with this is to seek others who have been in the same situation. Thanks again for ur support.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It definitely helps to talk! In just the last week, I have connected with two beautiful souls going through the exact same Twin Flame situation, and to hear them say things I have experienced, and for them to hear me talking about getting through what they are experiencing – it all really helps to know that none of us are alone in this kind of situation.
      I’m always quoting Finding Nemo, but I think ‘Just keep swimming’ is my favourite quote. It’s all any of us can do!
      Sending so much love and light to you, feel free to reach out if things get too dark. My email is theamethystangel@hotmail.co.uk. xx


  6. Thanks again for ur support michelle!! This is the hardest toughest thing i have ever endured.. Didn’t really know about the twin flame thing till she ran. I sought answers because i was a s confused as she was. Then an ad popped up on my horoscope page about flames. As i read it the more it made sense. I have always believed in soulmates and the “one” . But seeing is believing. Until it happens to you u really don’t understand it. So thanks again. This has really helped me to understand this complicated relationship.


  7. Hi Michelle. I now see why the chaser be the runner. Too difficult to deal with the pain . Waiting for the runner to come Back. Today wasn’t easy. She’s emotional. And I feel it. It’s too tough to deal with . She’s not aware yet. And when i try to tell her about our connection she runs. Just got her back last week after 2 -1/2 months. I no she feels it too. But affraid to bring it up agan..

    Liked by 1 person

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