A Letter to all Flames

My Dearest Twin Flames,

It has been an age since I last wrote to you, and for that I apologise. The time has slipped by so fast, that I find myself looking around, slightly dazed, wondering what happened to the last decade.

Because for the last decade, I have spent much of my time in love with, and addicted to, my twin flame. Yes, addicted. Because the love I feel for them is a drug, they are my only vice. (Aside from sugar) And it is in no way healthy.

So I wanted to reach out to you, dear flame, and tell you about a course that I find myself doing, that has made me realise that I cannot spend another moment compromising my needs for that of my flame. That I need to find a way, somehow, to move on and find a soul who reciprocates and wants to make my needs as important as his own, who can appreciate my love and support.

Now, I am well aware that I have said this many times before, and I’m not sure how I will be able to do this, but I wanted to mention the course I’m doing, because it is making me really get that it is absolutely necessary.

The course is one by Matthew Hussey, whose videos I have seen over the years, and have always liked his energy. He has a new book coming out, and if you pre-order it, you can get this course for free. I watched his live webinar and there were golden nuggets in there that made me realise that the minimal amount for the book was well worth getting the course. (This link takes you to the replay, the free course offer expires in 2.5 days)

Thanks to ADHD, I have signed up to many a course and never actually watched it, but this time, I have been watching the videos and making notes. Because I need this information to sink in, I need to be strong enough to do this, for my own sake (and for the sake of all those who love me). Because I cannot go into a new decade in this limbo.

And neither should you.

There is so much love, laughter and joy beyond the connection you have with your flame. I know there is for you, because I know there is for me. Please don’t get to 13 years later and wonder what on earth you were waiting for.

Live now. Follow you mission, your passion, your excitement, now.

It won’t be easy, and I have no idea if I can actually do it myself. But I’m rooting for you (and for myself) because you are so worthy and deserving of a deep, true and beautiful love.

It will feel like the world is ending, but it is not, I promise. It is only just beginning, and the world needs your light more than ever before.

Shine brightly, dear flame, I love you.

Michelle. xx

NaNoWriMo 2022

It’s been a long time since I did NaNoWriMo properly, or have actually won it. But considering all the books waiting for me to write them, I figured it was about time.

So I’ve done it. I’ve signed up to NaNo 2022, and I plan to get book 11 written by the 30th November. It’s day one, I’ve written 1242 words, it is riddled with typos and other issues, but it has begun.

I feel it is likely I will regret announcing this, but seeing as I said book 11 was ‘coming soon’ about 18 months ago, I know I owe it to my readers to get my butt into gear and get it written. Because the story is ready.

Even if I’m not!

Wish me luck. And send me snacks!

Do we only have one Twin Flame?

This is an assumption that many make when they have met their Flame. That there is only one, because they cannot imagine feeling this way about anyone else. And while I completely understand this, I believe that we do have more than one Twin Flame, in fact, we may have several.

There is a brilliant channelled piece that someone sent me a long while back, which explains the differences between Twin Souls and Twin Flames, and was my first introduction to the Twin Rays, which I think is what people are thinking of when they believe there to only be one Flame for them. I recommend reading this piece, and also watching my video below on having more than one Twin Flame, and see if it resonates with you.

There is so much information and advice on Twin Flames now online, and so much of it is conflicting, and does not resonate, so my advice to you is – only take on-board that which really rings true, and that which lifts and inspires you. If it depresses you and makes you feel bad in any way, just release it. Perhaps later on it will resonate, and perhaps not. Your Twin Flame experience is uniquely yours, and no one can understand it but you and your Flame, so please trust your own intuition and your own inner guidance.

If you would like some ideas on how to create a balanced Twin Flame relationship, please do check out the Twin Flame class in my Academy here.

EarthAngelTV is now available!

You can now watch the first 6 episodes of EarthAngelTV on YouTube and Instagram. These first 6 go through the different types of Earth Angel, then there will be a new episode every week on Saturdays about topics related to Earth Angels and Twin Flames.

There will also be interviews with Earth Angels who are living their missions on this planet, which will be aired at random times, so please do subscribe to my YouTube channel so you get notifications on when a new episode is out.

Have you watched any episodes yet? Have you enjoyed it? Let me know in the comments!

The first video is below.

EarthAngelTV is coming soon!

On the first of September 2018, I will be launching my TV show – EarthAngelTV! For the first week there will be a video released each day, then there will be a video released every Friday. These videos will contain information on Earth Angels and Twin Flames, and I will touch on different topics and questions in each one. If you would like to ask a question, contact me!

There will also be interviews released on my channel in-between the weekly videos, and other bonus content too! I am so excited to be launching this, I hope it helps more Earth Angels realise who they really are and how amazing they are, coming to this crazy planet to help people!

Here is the promo, I hope you will subscribe to my YouTube channel to receive notifications on new episodes.

The end of an era

A month ago I released the final book in my Earth Angel Series – book 10, The Twin Flame Resolution.

What a ride it has been! 9 years of writing, 7 years of publishing, 10 books, 607,158 words, 158 characters.

I haven’t really known how to feel for the last few weeks. In the run up to publication I was so excited, because this meant I could now turn to other projects that have been impatiently waiting in the wings. I was also excited because I knew that book 10 held some ideas that were bound to annoy people. (Not that I love annoying people, but I do love a good twist)

But once it was out there in the world, I felt… sad.

This world of faeries, angels, starpeople and old souls has been my home for nearly a decade, and I love the characters, the places and the stories. So I felt a bit lost. Even though I already have three books lined up to release by Christmas, so it’s not like I don’t have plenty to be getting on with.

I feel the same way when I finish watching seasons of TV shows. Or a series of books I have followed for years. There’s a sense of completion but also a sense of loss. Because now it’s time to return to the ‘real’ world, and leave the characters behind within the pages. At least there is a sense of completion. There is a series of books I read as a teenager, which was never completed. 18 years later, I still await the final book!

If you have been reading the Earth Angel Series, how do you feel about it completing? And what did you think of book 10? (Try not to give too many spoilers 😉 ) Let me know in the comments below.

No doubt I will spring back, and I will try to blog a little more regularly! In fact, I have been working on a brand new project that will be released in Sept, look out for posts on that soon!

Cover Reveal for Book 10

I promised to reveal the cover for book 10 soon, and here it is! The book is now finally finished, and it is being edited at the moment, which is cutting it a bit fine to make the 1st July publishing date, but I promise I will not be letting you down! I finished writing it nine years and a day after I finished writing The Earth Angel Training Academy, and I will be publishing book 10 on the 7th Anniversary of the publishing of book 1. I like a bit of symmetry!

Book 10 is the last book in the Earth Angel Series for the foreseeable future. If the story for book 11 arrives, I will of course write it, but I feel that this book brings all the stories full circle, and as sad as I am to say goodbye to my characters, I have so many more book projects awaiting, I am excited to be able to expand the Visionary Collection and to finish writing my children’s series too.

I cannot wait to see what my readers think of book 10. I have been calling it the marmite of the series, because I think it will either be loved or hated… I really enjoyed writing it (despite the resulting RSI!) and I hope you agree it’s the perfect ending to rather a wild adventure we have been on for the last 7 years. (9 years for me!)

How do the covers make you feel? The US cover came from a design I originally considered for book 9, but I loved the circle of fire, and the feeling of completion it gives. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


US Edition Cover

UK Edition Cover

Book 9 Cover Release

Only 10 more sleeps! And then you will be able to read The Twin Flame Reignition!

I have the final covers, and wanted to share them with you.

The cover that won the vote for the US edition:


The UK Edition:

The Twin Flame Reignition will be available worldwide on the 20th January 2018, on Amazon, (paperback and Kindle) and through other online retailers. I will be launching it at the following event:


This instalment of the Earth Angel Series was a really exciting one to write, I can’t wait to hear what you all think!

I need your help!

Good news! Book nine is now finished, and it is in the process of being edited, and I want to first of all announce the release date, which is…

20th January 2018!

I’m considering it a birthday gift to myself! In case you haven’t seen my videos on FB, the title of the book is

The Twin Flame Reignition

Now, I need your help. I have got six possible covers for the US Edition of the book, and I am asking people to vote for their favourite! I have already posted them on Facebook and Instagram, but I would love your input! Please comment on the post with the number of your favourite. I am planning to announce the winning cover by Christmas.

Here they are!








Vote now!