NaNoWriMo 2022

It’s been a long time since I did NaNoWriMo properly, or have actually won it. But considering all the books waiting for me to write them, I figured it was about time.

So I’ve done it. I’ve signed up to NaNo 2022, and I plan to get book 11 written by the 30th November. It’s day one, I’ve written 1242 words, it is riddled with typos and other issues, but it has begun.

I feel it is likely I will regret announcing this, but seeing as I said book 11 was ‘coming soon’ about 18 months ago, I know I owe it to my readers to get my butt into gear and get it written. Because the story is ready.

Even if I’m not!

Wish me luck. And send me snacks!