Confessions of an ADHD writer

So I wrote this whole blog post in my head while in the shower and drying my hair, and now I don’t remember a word of it.

I very eloquently summed up what it felt like to desperately want to do something,  but being completely incapable of it.

That’s how I feel about writing most of the time. The ideas are stacked up, the characters are impatient, my readers are waiting, and yet, the ability to sit and type the words that are flowing to me through the ether is the hardest possible thing to do.

My ability to hyperfocus has unfortunately disappeared.

Instead, the desperate need for a dopamine hit, any hit, takes over and I find myself mindlessly scrolling through terrible videos and checking out so completely that I’m not even aware of the time or where I am.

I do believe that hormonal changes in the last three years are the main culprit of my complete lack of attention span, but I’ve never had much attention span and have always had the memory of a goldfish. The main difference now is that I know why, and I cut myself some slack now.

I never used to. I used to push myself hard to get things done, even when I lacked the motivation. I never accepted any physical issue to be an excuse to miss deadlines. Or even any emotional or mental issue. I have written parts of my novels while sobbing at 3am. You probably know which parts.

I do wonder if I could have kept up my consistent output of publishing two books a year if the sales had kept increasing consistently.  But at the end of 2018, Amazon changed their algorithms and sales pages, my sales slumped, and I lost my mojo for it all.

Writing and publishing my books no longer gave me the much needed dopamine hits, and in fact, drained what little dopamine I had. I got much more satisfaction from helping other authors to publish, and so my attention shifted to that. I’ve published dozens of books in the last 6 years, but only 6 of my own.

Which might sound like a lot, but it’s half of my output previous to that. (And one was a quote book, one was a poetry book and three were children’s novels, so indeed far less writing than normal).

I don’t know how to find the joy in writing again. Perhaps I need to change my medium, use my typewriter, or go back to pen and paper. But the idea of typing it all up after does not appeal! Unfortunately, dictation is out of the question. It seems that the act of typing the words (or handwriting them) is my method. When I try to verbalise the story flowing through, it ends up in the ‘he says this, then she replies, then they do this’ format, as opposed to actual dialogue and action.

Bizarre, I know, but true.

I found writing to be a bit easier in Morocco. It seems the sunshine provided enough dopamine for me to be able to focus better. But I haven’t written more than 1000 words since I got back, 10 days ago, and I had promised myself that I would get book 11 done by the end of this month.

Old me would move heaven and earth not to break that promise.

Current me is just tired. And in need of sunshine!

My favourite photo from Essaouira. 
It was 30°C that day!

Sunshine and dopamine

So I’ve been back in the UK for a few days now, and already I can feel my body’s desperation for dopamine. So I googled the link between sunshine and dopamine, and yes! It’s a thing.

While in Morocco,  getting daily doses of sun, my need to impulsively spend and eat an abundance of sugary snacks was greatly lessened, and my concentration was greatly improved.

Now back in the cold grey, I find myself snacking constantly and desperate to buy things or make things or binge watch TV to get a hit.

Maybe this is what my favourite psychic meant when he told me way back in 2004 that I needed to live somewhere hot…

I know you might not have followed this blog years ago imagining it would turn into an info dump on ADHD, but I believe there is a strong link between being an Earth Angel and having ADHD, Autism or other health issues (mental and physical) so I do hope you will stick with me!

I didn’t get book 11 finished while in Morocco,  but I am still determined to get it written and published soon, because it feels like the time is just right for it!

I am currently publishing 4 books for other authors, which takes up a fair amount of computer time, but I plan to get book 11 finished by the end of this short month, because in March I have lots of events booked in, and will be busy selling my Magic Letterpress wares! Will also be taking my books to an event in Swansea for Women in Publishing, which should be fun. I do love to network.

I will keep you updated on progress, do keep an eye on my Instagram (@michellegordonauthor) and on Not From This Planet’s Instagram for release dates, new books, etc.

Here’s another blue skies pic to help you get through the grey skies!

A Letter to all Flames

My Dearest Twin Flames,

It has been an age since I last wrote to you, and for that I apologise. The time has slipped by so fast, that I find myself looking around, slightly dazed, wondering what happened to the last decade.

Because for the last decade, I have spent much of my time in love with, and addicted to, my twin flame. Yes, addicted. Because the love I feel for them is a drug, they are my only vice. (Aside from sugar) And it is in no way healthy.

So I wanted to reach out to you, dear flame, and tell you about a course that I find myself doing, that has made me realise that I cannot spend another moment compromising my needs for that of my flame. That I need to find a way, somehow, to move on and find a soul who reciprocates and wants to make my needs as important as his own, who can appreciate my love and support.

Now, I am well aware that I have said this many times before, and I’m not sure how I will be able to do this, but I wanted to mention the course I’m doing, because it is making me really get that it is absolutely necessary.

The course is one by Matthew Hussey, whose videos I have seen over the years, and have always liked his energy. He has a new book coming out, and if you pre-order it, you can get this course for free. I watched his live webinar and there were golden nuggets in there that made me realise that the minimal amount for the book was well worth getting the course. (This link takes you to the replay, the free course offer expires in 2.5 days)

Thanks to ADHD, I have signed up to many a course and never actually watched it, but this time, I have been watching the videos and making notes. Because I need this information to sink in, I need to be strong enough to do this, for my own sake (and for the sake of all those who love me). Because I cannot go into a new decade in this limbo.

And neither should you.

There is so much love, laughter and joy beyond the connection you have with your flame. I know there is for you, because I know there is for me. Please don’t get to 13 years later and wonder what on earth you were waiting for.

Live now. Follow you mission, your passion, your excitement, now.

It won’t be easy, and I have no idea if I can actually do it myself. But I’m rooting for you (and for myself) because you are so worthy and deserving of a deep, true and beautiful love.

It will feel like the world is ending, but it is not, I promise. It is only just beginning, and the world needs your light more than ever before.

Shine brightly, dear flame, I love you.

Michelle. xx

Internal Battles

So here is it, the first, and hopefully not last, post of 2024. I can’t think of a title right now, so I’m hoping one will emerge by the end of the post!

I’ve been thinking about how much I berate myself for not getting enough done. For having no enthusiasm or mojo to write, to market my books, to make money, to hustle. The last four years have been pretty tough on those fronts. I feel like my batteries ran out and I didn’t recharge properly, so now I am in a constant battle of not enough energy and no time to recharge.

As well as the pandemic madness that we all experienced, I have come to two realisations in the last couple of years. One, that I have ADHD. And two, I am perimenopausal. Now the latter is what made the former so much more obvious, which is what seems to happen in females, which is why so many older females are now being diagnosed. The change in hormones makes the ADHD symptoms so much more obvious, and then when we realise, we can then see that it was there all along from childhood, we were just very good at masking and overcompensating for it.

So when I consider just how much I have managed to achieve, in spite of the extra layer of difficulty, I should feel proud. But instead, I just feel irritated that for the last few years I have struggled to find any motivation at all to write or to market my existing books. My focus and ability to concentrate is shot to pieces. I was blaming it on my addiction to my smart phone, but I think there’s a lot more going on than that. I have been taking supplements that are helping, and I’m looking into natural hormonal support, but it’s very much an inside job, after my doctors brushing off my perimenopausal enquiries with – you’re too young for that. Sigh.

Writing has always been my favourite past time, my kind of therapy, to explore other worlds and get lost in a reality of my choosing, but recently it feels like a slog, and I hate that. In need of some sunshine and inspiration, I decided to spend a month in Morocco. I didn’t bring any creative crafty things to do (aside from one tiny crochet project) hoping that not having my hands busy would mean that I would get bored enough to write. But instead, I find myself scrolling through Instagram and generally wasting time doing nothing.

But in an effort not to continually berate myself, I have so far managed about 5k words, and I am determined to finish Book 11 in the Earth Angel Series while I am here, so that I can set a publishing date for that this year.

Though, now that I have said that, I’m worried that I have made another promise that I won’t keep, especially considering I said that the book was ‘Coming soon’ about four years ago.

All I can say is, I will try my absolute best to get it done, and I am going to try not to berate myself so much, and considering it has been cloudy today, I am not going to tell myself off for spending every moment I can in the sun while I am here, because I seriously need the vitamin D!

Hmm, still no idea what to call this post, but here is a photo of Morocco to either make you feel warm inside or to make you feel jealous. You choose which one it is! Oh, and if you want to follow my Moroccan adventures, follow me on Insta – @michellegordonauthor and look for the stories!

Blue skies over orange dreams!

NaNoWriMo 2022

It’s been a long time since I did NaNoWriMo properly, or have actually won it. But considering all the books waiting for me to write them, I figured it was about time.

So I’ve done it. I’ve signed up to NaNo 2022, and I plan to get book 11 written by the 30th November. It’s day one, I’ve written 1242 words, it is riddled with typos and other issues, but it has begun.

I feel it is likely I will regret announcing this, but seeing as I said book 11 was ‘coming soon’ about 18 months ago, I know I owe it to my readers to get my butt into gear and get it written. Because the story is ready.

Even if I’m not!

Wish me luck. And send me snacks!

Maybe I am a Seer…

The other day I started compiling a list of release dates for my books, because we were considering doing fun posts on the anniversaries of each book. Of course, I used this blog to determine most of them, because this has been a diary of sorts throughout the whole publishing journey.

That meant that I found some funny tidbits, one of which I thought I’d share, because I laughed when I read it. It was in a post called ‘Just Keep Writing‘ written in August, 2015, when I was starting to write The Twin Flame Retreat. I had decided that instead of spending so much time trying to market my books, I’d keep writing new ones instead (a realisation I’ve had many times since, still not properly implementing) and then I said this:

Also, my numbers for the Earth Angel series have changed. I am now thinking that there is likely to be thirteen books in the series in total, and if I were to stick to my current formula of publishing one Earth Angel book per year, I figure it will be 2023 before the final book is released. That is just too far away!

Seems I may have been spot on. Because there will be 13 books in total, so far there are 10 novels and the handbook, so book 11 and book 12 (handbook is book 13) will be coming out, and chances are, at this rate, they’ll be coming out next year. In 2023.

So perhaps, like Velvet, I am a Seer. Who has forgotten she can See. Which makes me wonder what else I might have predicted in this blog…

But yes, books 11 and 12 will come. And I promise there won’t be too much longer to wait. I know how frustrating it is to wait for the next book in the series, there’s a book by my favourite author in my teens that I’m still waiting for. It’s ben 22 years. And that’s far too long to wait for the conclusion of a series!

I won’t do that to you. Promise.

You are not a Demon

Honestly. You’re not.

If you are interested in Earth Angels, then chances are you might have encountered Doreen Virtue’s work, and you might have followed her recent conversion to Christianity. If you haven’t and you have no idea what I’m talking about, then feel free to ignore this post!

I had absolutely no issue with Doreen changing her beliefs. I am thankful for her books on Earth Angels, as they helped me to understand who I am and why I am here, and inspired my books and my work. When she converted I didn’t have an opinion on it – she is completely entitled to believe whatever she wishes to.

However, in January, she released an article on New Age practices that should be avoided, and it cause a huge stir in the spiritual community, because despite professing to be coming from love, it basically said that if you practised anything ‘new age’ you were possessed by demons or doing the devil’s work.

And I have a slight issue with that.

Just because Doreen no longer believes in Earth Angels, and is now a devout Christian, does not mean that it is right or loving to vilify the many people who do believe in faeries and angels, who practice yoga, Feng Shui, meditation, EFT, Wicca or any of the many things that made her list.

I do not believe that we are here on the planet to suffer or to carry around our burdens, which is what her article seems to suggest. We Earth Angels came here to help others, and that is what we do through our missions, whether they involve healing, oracle card reading or chakra balancing.

So while I respect Doreen has the right to her beliefs and views, I don’t respect her needlessly demonising others’ beliefs in order to validate her own.

I created a short video to discuss this, and after this post and video, I don’t intend to discuss it again. It is possible that the article was created purely to stir up negativity as a publicity stunt, in which case, I’d rather not give it any more energy than it has already received. But I felt the need to address it, because it does affect me, the readers of my books and the viewers of EarthAngelTV.

I would like to say – you are a divine spark of light, you are doing the very best you can, you are helping others with your love and wisdom, and do not let anyone – even someone whose work has helped you, who you have admired or respected – tell you otherwise.

So much love to you.xx

Do you have Angelic Compulsive Disorder?

On EarthAngelTV, I interviewed Roberta Smart, a beautiful Earth Angel, Coach and Comedienne. During this interview, (which was so much fun to do!) she hit upon something that most Earth Angels suffer from. And the name she gave it was – Angelic Compulsive Disorder. ACD. It is the compulsion that Earth Angels have to help others, to make other people’s lives better, and to be of service, even when it is detrimental to their own health and wellbeing.

Roberta came back on EarthAngelTV later to talk a bit more about ACD, and she has now put together a course for Earth Angels who feel they have ACD and wish to learn how to control it and take better care of themselves. You can find out more about the course here, and please do join Roberta’s Facebook group to connect with others in a similar situation.

Though helping others is an inbuilt programme for most Earth Angels, it really isn’t necessary for them to run themselves into the ground for the sake of everyone else. So please, if you feel like you are exhausting yourself to be of service to others, take a step back, say no to requests for help and put your own needs first. At least until you have regained your health and energy. Because you are important, and so is your wellbeing.

Sorry, I have been a bit busy…

… but that’s still no excuse for the lack of blog posts, and I do apologise. I will warn you though, this might be a long update, so grab a cuppa!

So a few weeks ago, I was approached by a journalist from the Daily Mail, who was writing a piece about Earth Angels, and wanted me to take part. I said yes, because my entire purpose revolves around helping Earth Angels to Awaken and realise who they really are, and how best to do that than to be in a national newspaper? So along with three other fabulous Earth Angels (my soul sisters Sarah Rebecca Vine, Kelly Draper and Ruth Bradshaw) I was featured in a double page spread in the Femail section of the paper.

It was a very positive piece, and I was pleased with the result! Doing the photoshoot was a lot of fun, and it was great to see Kelly and Sarah and to meet Ruth. The team who did the shoot were really amazing and really looked after us. Here are some of the behind the scenes shots, and you can read the article online here.

Well, when the article came out, the response was quite amazing! It was discussed on TV and Radio that day, including on the Wright Stuff and Loose Women. The discussion on Loose Women was really positive and Gloria Hunniford tells the story below, and they did a poll, which said that 80% people who voted believed in Angels!

The discussion on the Wright Stuff was less favourable, but it sparked a phone in and got people talking! All in all, an amazing reaction to the piece. I admit, I didn’t read the comments on the Daily Mail site! I was asked to go on a couple of radio shows, and then the piece was also reprinted in South Africa:

Then by the end of the day that the paper came out, we got a call from This Morning – they wanted us to come on the show! Fast forward to last Wednesday, and myself, Sarah and Ruth appeared on This Morning, with Holly and Phil! It was really great fun, the whole team there were so amazing (all Earth Angels, I have no doubt!) and the interview went really well.

Here’s the YouTube clip of the interview:

Philip was actually loving the idea of being an Earth Angel, and he was really lovely! The piece was also covered by pretty much every newspaper online, which was unexpected! And even more unexpected was the positive tone the majority of the papers had! I have read some of the tweets and comments, most of the negative ones say we’re nuts and should be locked away, but there were some really sweet ones too. The whole show had an Earth Angel theme, as Kim Wilde was interviewed after us, and her new album was inspired by a UFO encounter! They also did a phone in and there were some amazing stories shared about angelic encounters. All in all, it was an amazing experience and we all really had so much fun. I also loved the wings!

Here’s some pics!


I think that’s everything! Oh, and I started the Fan Club again, it filled up quickly and I am enjoying creating the handmade goodies. And yes, I promise that Book 10 is still coming out on the 1st July, I will be focussing on getting it done in the next week. I already have the covers sorted – I will reveal those very soon! This summer I am doing a lot of Mind Body & Spirit shows and festivals, and I post about those on Facebook. I am also offering Unicorn Workshops, you can see the dates available for those here. 

I will do my best to blog again soon, I’ve really missed it! It’s just been an epically busy year so far, but I am doing my best to make more time for the things I enjoy and to stay connected with your beautiful self!

Until next time…

I need your help!

Good news! Book nine is now finished, and it is in the process of being edited, and I want to first of all announce the release date, which is…

20th January 2018!

I’m considering it a birthday gift to myself! In case you haven’t seen my videos on FB, the title of the book is

The Twin Flame Reignition

Now, I need your help. I have got six possible covers for the US Edition of the book, and I am asking people to vote for their favourite! I have already posted them on Facebook and Instagram, but I would love your input! Please comment on the post with the number of your favourite. I am planning to announce the winning cover by Christmas.

Here they are!








Vote now!