NaNoWriMo 2022

It’s been a long time since I did NaNoWriMo properly, or have actually won it. But considering all the books waiting for me to write them, I figured it was about time.

So I’ve done it. I’ve signed up to NaNo 2022, and I plan to get book 11 written by the 30th November. It’s day one, I’ve written 1242 words, it is riddled with typos and other issues, but it has begun.

I feel it is likely I will regret announcing this, but seeing as I said book 11 was ‘coming soon’ about 18 months ago, I know I owe it to my readers to get my butt into gear and get it written. Because the story is ready.

Even if I’m not!

Wish me luck. And send me snacks!

Maybe I am a Seer…

The other day I started compiling a list of release dates for my books, because we were considering doing fun posts on the anniversaries of each book. Of course, I used this blog to determine most of them, because this has been a diary of sorts throughout the whole publishing journey.

That meant that I found some funny tidbits, one of which I thought I’d share, because I laughed when I read it. It was in a post called ‘Just Keep Writing‘ written in August, 2015, when I was starting to write The Twin Flame Retreat. I had decided that instead of spending so much time trying to market my books, I’d keep writing new ones instead (a realisation I’ve had many times since, still not properly implementing) and then I said this:

Also, my numbers for the Earth Angel series have changed. I am now thinking that there is likely to be thirteen books in the series in total, and if I were to stick to my current formula of publishing one Earth Angel book per year, I figure it will be 2023 before the final book is released. That is just too far away!

Seems I may have been spot on. Because there will be 13 books in total, so far there are 10 novels and the handbook, so book 11 and book 12 (handbook is book 13) will be coming out, and chances are, at this rate, they’ll be coming out next year. In 2023.

So perhaps, like Velvet, I am a Seer. Who has forgotten she can See. Which makes me wonder what else I might have predicted in this blog…

But yes, books 11 and 12 will come. And I promise there won’t be too much longer to wait. I know how frustrating it is to wait for the next book in the series, there’s a book by my favourite author in my teens that I’m still waiting for. It’s ben 22 years. And that’s far too long to wait for the conclusion of a series!

I won’t do that to you. Promise.

Book 9 Cover Release

Only 10 more sleeps! And then you will be able to read The Twin Flame Reignition!

I have the final covers, and wanted to share them with you.

The cover that won the vote for the US edition:


The UK Edition:

The Twin Flame Reignition will be available worldwide on the 20th January 2018, on Amazon, (paperback and Kindle) and through other online retailers. I will be launching it at the following event:


This instalment of the Earth Angel Series was a really exciting one to write, I can’t wait to hear what you all think!

Launching Soon!

I am very pleased to announce that the Earth Angel Training Academy online classes will be launching on the 20th January!

Earth Angel Training Academy 1

The first class will be Remembering 101, and it will cover the different types of Earth Angel, so you can see which type you identify with. There are downloadable PDFs, so you can print them out, and there will be an audio file for each section too, which will also be downloadable, if you would rather listen to the information.

I will be holding live hangouts for the students once a month, and there will be a private Facebook group for the students to be able to interact with each other and with me!

I will release a new class each week, and there will initially be seven classes, with other classes on the Golden Age Children, and Twin Flames to come too.

I’m incredibly excited! So many beautiful Earth Angels have been asking for this, and after the success of the live classes last year, I knew I had to make it happen, so that my beautiful readers all around the world all had a chance to join in.

To register your interest in the Academy classes, and download your free PDF of The Earth Angel Training Academy, click here, and you will be the first to be emailed with the link to the Academy when it is live and with a discount code!



An Interpretation of My Books

One of my readers in the US contacted me a little while back and said that she loved my Earth Angel books so much, that she wanted to write an essay about her interpretation of them. Of course I said to go ahead, I was really curious to see the books from someone else’s perspective, as reviews only really say how much people enjoy the books – they don’t really analyse the content.

Well, Rosa sent me the links to both her essay, and a video of her reading and discussing the essay, and I have to say, I was really surprised at the things that she got from the text and the books. She focused on Velvet, and on her conflict between surrendering and attachment. I have never personally delved into Velvet’s mind in this way, but I think that Rosa is definitely onto something!

I really enjoyed watching her video and reading the essay, it certainly had me thinking about the characters in a different way afterwards, and I really think that my readers will gain something from watching the video. Especially anyone who is having trouble with their Twin Flame union, because Rosa discusses this, and I think she makes some very good points.

You can read the essay on her website here, and watch the video below.



Rosa also recorded a review video, which you can view below.




I just want to express my gratitude to Rosa for looking more deeply into my books, as I hope that others do too. I am certain that there are more messages and ideas within them than even I am aware of! If you want to share your thoughts on my books in any way, please do so in the comments, I’d love to hear from you.