Embracing Uncertainty

I’m nosy.

There. I said it. I’m really nosy! I hate being out of a loop or kept in the dark, I hate not knowing what’s going on an what’s going to happen next. Very much like the main character in The Earth Angel Training Academy – Velvet. She spends most of the book wondering what the hell is going on and getting annoyed when others seem to know what the bigger picture is and she doesn’t. Come to think of it, I’m quite like Aria the Faerie too. She’s always eavesdropping and spying on other people’s conversations. Hmm.

Because of my need to know everything, I have had many, many readings, from mediums and psychics and intuitive friends, all in my quest to know what’s going to happen. Most of the time, those readings bring comfort because they just reassure me that no matter what is going on in the present moment, it’s all going to turn out just fine. Which, let’s be honest, that’s the main reason why anyone has a reading – to be told – it’s all good!

The problem I have been experiencing, is that there have been predictions made in these readings that I don’t like. I’ve been told that things will happen, that quite honestly, I don’t want to happen. (not because they’re bad, but because they’re not things I would choose to experience). And so I set on a quest to choose the opposite. After all, we have free will, right?

But no matter how hard I was choosing, in further readings, the same predictions came up over and over, and it seemed like everything was conspiring to make this path happen.

So I gave in. I said – fine, if this is what is mean to be, then I’ll do it.

I thought that by giving in and going with the flow, the rest of my life would fall into place and start working. But it didn’t. In fact, I found I was even more stuck, because unconsciously I was stopping doing things that might take me down that path I didn’t want to go down.

So I made a new choice – I don’t want that life. It is not my choice. And even if the path I am choosing is a little more rocky, so be it.

All of this, of course, made me realise that sometimes, knowing what our future holds can be a big problem. Because we get attached or repelled by what we’re told is to come. And it affects our decisions, and our ability to remain in the present moment.

Yesterday I was reading excerpts of The Earth Angel Training Academy, and I found this quote, from the Rainbow Children, when they are asked to predict someone’s future. Despite my nosiness, and the fact that I know so many mediums and psychics that I have great respect for, I think it’s time that I let go of all the predictions, let go of my need for certainty, and embrace the wild ride of life on a moment to moment basis.

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Of course, the ironic thing is, that once we let go of the predictions and live in the moment, we tend to end up creating the future we wanted anyway.

Don’t you just love how the Universe works?


PS. I still recommend having a reading if you are looking to connect with someone you’ve lost, or you need reassurance that you’re on the right path, but no matter what comes up, do your best not to get too attached to it.


Michelle is the author and publisher of 10 Visionary Fiction novels, all available on Amazon in paperback and on Kindle. She spends her days helping Indie Authors to publish their books, taking photographs of mushrooms and making gluten-free cakes.

If you need any help with your publishing journey, please do get in touch with her by emailing theamethystangel@hotmail.co.uk. You can book a Skype session or a phone call with her, or ask questions via email. Please do follow her publishing blog to receive more posts on Indie Publishing.


Gaining Mastery

True mastery can be gained by letting things go their own way. It can’t be gained by interfering. Lao Tzu

At the beginning of this year, I decided that I would, for the first time in my life, plan my year. I would plan where I was going to be, what I was going to do, how much money I would make and how much of my debt I would pay off etcetera. I got an organiser and I sought advice from time management experts on how to best structure my time and get things done.

I was determined to not just drift along, going wherever the wind took me. Because that was irresponsible, after all, look at what a mess my finances were in! No sir, was not going to go with the flow, I was going to have a PLAN.

You can probably guess how long that lasted. Not very long. Having plans felt very much like I was swimming against a riptide, or clinging onto a tiny branch in the rapids.

Futile. Ridiculous. And arrogant, in some ways. To plan my life would be to suggest that I know what I should be doing and where I should be. But how can I possibly know of all the beautiful, sychronus meetings with amazing people that the universe has lined up for me?

But despite realising that I needed to go with the flow once more, there were parts of my life that I did desperately want to improve, and so I came to the conclusion that instead of planning things, what I needed to do was manage things. If I managed my finances and my time rather than planned it, then there would be room for flow, spontaneaity, and surprises.

And since all my plans went to hell, that’s exactly what I have been doing. My organiser is still in constant use, my finances are improving bit by bit and I have had the most wonderful synchronistic meetings with beautiful souls.

I feel that I am finally on the path to mastery over my own life, my own existence. Now tell me about you, do you plan or do you flow?


A New Chapter


Apologies for the lack of blogging recently, there have been many topics I could have written about, but my mind has not been in the right place. It seemed fitting, with the completion signified by the Supermoon tomorrow to write this post on ending one chapter and beginning a new one.

For a while now, things have been a little bit up and down, and last weekend it was time to make some big decisions and to move things forward. So, although it has not been easy, and I don’t doubt that there will be more rough patches ahead, my partner and I have decided to go our separate ways. Now, I could have stayed somewhere local, but I know that if we are within proximity of each other, we will end up back in the same cycle, so I have made the decision to move further away, to…


Why? Well, one of my lovely fans, Chip, lives there and reckons I will love it. I’ve never been there before, and it seems like a great place. That’s pretty much all the reasons I have. It’s also four hours away from here, which means that it will be as clean a break as possible.

This shift has been in the air around us for some time now, but I have been resisting it. And in my resistance, I have been stuck in many ways, and things haven’t been flowing. I decided it was time to go with this flow, and stop fighting it. Hopefully it will take me on new and magical paths, I guess I will have to wait and see.

No matter what happens, Jon and I will always have a special connection to one another, and the last four years will still be the most magical ones of my existence. It is thanks to our relationship that I was able to pursue my dream of writing and publishing books, and I am so very thankful for the time we have spent together.

I will post more updates soon, when I begin my new adventure…