The Writer’s Blog Tour

A big thank you to the lovely Lisa Fuqua, who invited me to take part in this Blog Tour, you can read Lisa’s post here.


So here is my contribution to the tour, I will be nominating two writers to continue the thread at the end!

What am I currently working on?

My work in progress is the latest novel in the Earth Angel series, which I have called The Twin Flame Reunion. It is not a sequel as such, but a missing piece from The Earth Angel Awakening. It follows the reunions of five Twin Flame couples, as they Awaken, reunite, and go through the struggles that so many Twin Flames are going through at the moment. As usual, I had no idea what I was going to write, or what was going to happen, and as the words flow through me, I am amazed at how the characters and events are coming together, and how much they are mirroring my own experiences at this very moment. I can’t wait to see where the story goes, and in turn, what effect that has on my life, as quite often, what I write in my books comes true in real life…

How does my work differ from others in my genre?

My genre, that of Spiritual or Visionary Fiction, is a fairly undeveloped genre at the moment, though it is growing daily. I think that my books are a little different because I am not creating the stories – I am mostly channelling them. The stories come through me, not from me. Though my own experiences come into them, the overall plot and the characters come to me when I sit down to write. It feels more like I am describing a memory or writing what I can see in another dimension than actually making it up. And that can be a scary process, because I really just have to trust that the next part of the story will arrive, and that it will all make sense, and will be interesting and readable. My last book, I’m Here, was co-written with a spirit, and that was tough for me, because though it was easy to channel his words, I had to really push myself to write my side of the story, which was really hard work!

Why do I write what I do?

I don’t think I could write anything else, because when I sit down to write, the words come through and it’s not always in my control. I think my books contain messages and stories that people need to read or hear. And they are also my way of dealing with being in the world. From the feedback I’ve had so far, they have helped many people to figure out who they are, and what their purpose on Earth is. Which is why I keep writing. Because who knows how many people the next book will help?

How does my writing process work?

I have a netbook that I write my novels on, and I use Scrivener to write them in, because I love the folder system, the corkboards and the automatic backup, which has saved my sanity and soul many times. I usually sit on my bed, or in a cafe or even in parks to write, and I like to set crazy deadlines, Nanowrimo-style, to get me motivated to finish them in time. I sometimes have a scene or a concept in my mind, but mostly, I just put my fingers to the keyboard and see what comes through. If I think too much, then I get in the way of the words, and I stop flow, and if that happens, the best thing I can do is to close the computer down, walk away from it and do something completely different. I like to have music playing that sets the right tone for what I am writing. Sometime I will get stuck on a single song, and I will play it on repeat so it becomes almost like white noise, blocking the rest of the world out.


So that’s me! I nominate the following two fabulous writers to continue the Writer’s Blog Tour, and invite them to tell us about their writing.

Rebecca Pillsbury


Though one of her childhood fantasies was to have superhuman powers that allowed her to travel instantaneously around the globe—or at the very least, fly—it is Rebecca’s distinctly human persona that causes strangers and dogs alike to want to be her new best friend. With a commitment to spreading joy and inspiring others to let go of shame and let shine their light, Rebecca unabashedly reveals her own vulnerability so that others may feel safe exploring their own.

Even as a young child growing up in Wisconsin, Rebecca found solace in writing stories, drawing inspiration from faraway places. Her wanderlust was fed as a young adult via worldwide pen-pal relationships, which gave way to her own international travels in her adult life. It was during her travels that she was exposed to new spiritual guides, paving the path for her journey-inspired transformational writing. Rather than simply leading readers to travel vicariously through her stories, however, she inspires readers to write their own stories.

Rebecca currently resides in Portland, Oregon, though you may not find her there year-round—a vagabond spirit cannot be tamed. You could look for her frolicking in forests or careening on rocks by the sea, but you’ll have better luck following her via her blog or on Facebook.


Lori Lesko

Lori LeskoLori Lesko was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She began dancing when she was five and acting at 13. She studied photography for a year at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. She graduated college with a degree in Psychology and Theater. She directed, acted, choreographed and stage managed several plays while attending school.

She loves to travel and has been to France and Ireland. She adapted her first book, a Novella called Our Daughters, into a Screenplay now titled Diamond City. She lives in Florida with her two dogs. She has worked as an editor for ten years at a financial publishing company.

She has just published her first novel titled COPYRIGHT a psychological thriller.


Indie Author Insight – J. Lawrence

This gallery contains 2 photos.

This week I interviewed Indie Author J. Lawrence. Lawrence is the author of Inborn. On Spirituality Do you believe in Angels or Faeries? I believe that there are other beings out there just beyond our senses. I don’t really know … Continue reading


Visionary Author Insight – Jodine Turner

This gallery contains 6 photos.

This week I interviewed Visionary Author Jodine Turner. Jodine Turner is a best-selling, multiple award winning author of YA/Adult visionary fiction, magical realism, and fantasy. She is also an Adorata Practitioner in the spiritual path of embodying divine love and balancing … Continue reading

The Doorway to PAM Interview with Joey Pinkney

Was interviewed by the lovely Joey Pinkney, it was posted this morning, so head over to his site to check it out!

Also, check out Aria’s first ever interview on Laurie’s blog, and on the 19th August, her second interview will be released on the  World Literary Cafe! (I swear that Faerie will be more well-known than me!)

You can also see my other interviews on the IndieBookSpot and The Indie Writer’s Showcase.


Visionary Author Insight – Saleena Karim

This gallery contains 1 photo.

This week I interviewed Visionary Author Saleena Karim. Saleena is also a fellow founder of the Visionary Fiction Alliance and the author of Systems. On Spirituality Do you believe you came from a different realm in a past existence? That … Continue reading


Visionary Author Insight – Daveda Lamont

This gallery contains 1 photo.

This week I interviewed Visionary Author Daveda Lamont. Daveda is a fellow founder of the Visionary Fiction Alliance and the author of The Way of the Eagle. On Spirituality Have you ever had a spiritual experience, involving synchronicity, angels or Spirit … Continue reading


Spiritual Author Insight – Sofie Couch

Welcome to the first Spiritual Author Insight! Each week I will be interviewing a different Spiritual or Visionary Author to gain an insight into their life as a writer. This week, I interviewed Sofie Couch, author of Angels Unawares. On Spirituality … Continue reading