A Letter to all Flames

My Dearest Twin Flames,

It has been an age since I last wrote to you, and for that I apologise. The time has slipped by so fast, that I find myself looking around, slightly dazed, wondering what happened to the last decade.

Because for the last decade, I have spent much of my time in love with, and addicted to, my twin flame. Yes, addicted. Because the love I feel for them is a drug, they are my only vice. (Aside from sugar) And it is in no way healthy.

So I wanted to reach out to you, dear flame, and tell you about a course that I find myself doing, that has made me realise that I cannot spend another moment compromising my needs for that of my flame. That I need to find a way, somehow, to move on and find a soul who reciprocates and wants to make my needs as important as his own, who can appreciate my love and support.

Now, I am well aware that I have said this many times before, and I’m not sure how I will be able to do this, but I wanted to mention the course I’m doing, because it is making me really get that it is absolutely necessary.

The course is one by Matthew Hussey, whose videos I have seen over the years, and have always liked his energy. He has a new book coming out, and if you pre-order it, you can get this course for free. I watched his live webinar and there were golden nuggets in there that made me realise that the minimal amount for the book was well worth getting the course. (This link takes you to the replay, the free course offer expires in 2.5 days)

Thanks to ADHD, I have signed up to many a course and never actually watched it, but this time, I have been watching the videos and making notes. Because I need this information to sink in, I need to be strong enough to do this, for my own sake (and for the sake of all those who love me). Because I cannot go into a new decade in this limbo.

And neither should you.

There is so much love, laughter and joy beyond the connection you have with your flame. I know there is for you, because I know there is for me. Please don’t get to 13 years later and wonder what on earth you were waiting for.

Live now. Follow you mission, your passion, your excitement, now.

It won’t be easy, and I have no idea if I can actually do it myself. But I’m rooting for you (and for myself) because you are so worthy and deserving of a deep, true and beautiful love.

It will feel like the world is ending, but it is not, I promise. It is only just beginning, and the world needs your light more than ever before.

Shine brightly, dear flame, I love you.

Michelle. xx


The Twin Flame Rebellion is here!

This gallery contains 2 photos.

Earth Angels! The wait is over! The 8th book in the Earth Angel Series is now available! Of course, you jammy souls in Australia will have received your preorders already! The UK editions of the series are also now available, … Continue reading

The Reunion of the Flames

There has been a lot of interest on my blog lately about Twin Flames. It is a subject very close to my own heart, and it is a theme that runs through my Earth Angel book series. Last year, I wrote a post about Twin Flames, and included a video about the stages of such relationships. The video was in fact sent to me by my own Flame, during a period of separation, after we had got to the fourth stage and gone our separate ways. While watching the video, he had seen the parallels with our relationship, and though he said he sent it to me merely because I write about Flames, I know that the video brought about an awareness within him. It was that awareness that caused us to meet up, just 4 days after I posted the video. Within a week of meeting up we were back together, and less than two weeks later, I had moved in with him. (I wrote a little more about it here)

Things have shifted and changed so much in the last seven months, and through it all, we have become stronger and even more deeply connected. The first thing we did was to be completely and utterly honest with each other. About everything. It was painful at times. There were fears that had been hidden for years, and bringing them into the light was not a joyful experience. But having that level of truth and honesty between us, has meant that we are now so in tune with each other, that we can tell immediately when there is something wrong. I can’t even explain how, but as soon as his energy shifts, and becomes a little negative or dark, I can tell. Now, nothing is kept hidden, or a secret, which means that emotions and fears are not trapped in our bodies and energy, which could cause problems later on.

I had a question from a lady about her Twin Flame, about whether they were indeed Flames and whether they would be together. She wanted to ask Amethyst or Velvet, so I did the reading for her, you can see it below:

In my experience, being with a Twin Flame is intense. But it’s also calming and comforting. To be in the arms of your Flame is to feel completely at home. There is nowhere else you would rather be than in his/her embrace, because that is exactly where you belong. There may be a fair amount of history between you that needs to be worked on and released, after all, you may have had several lifetimes together over the ages. But the effort is worth it, because you know that when you are with them – anything is possible. Just the fact that you have met your Twin Flame is a miracle in itself.

I would love to hear your experiences and views on Twin Flames, have you met yours?

Twin Flame Relationships

In my Earth Angel books, I talk about the reunion of the Twin Flames. When I first came across the idea of Twin Flames, it resonated deeply within me. The idea that despite there being several possible soulmates for us, there is one person, one soul, who is our perfect match, they are ‘the one’.

In my books I say that the Flames are usually only reunited at the end of an age on Earth, and in Doreen Virtue‘s Angel Therapy cards, it is said that the Flames only come together during their last lifetimes together, when their reincarnation cycle is complete. In my mind, these two things go hand in hand, though some may disagree.

Here is the beautiful card from Doreen’s deck –

Twin Flames

I have witnessed the reunion of Flames, heard stories, and even experienced being with my own Flame, but there seems to be a recurring problem with these reunions. I couldn’t consciously figure it out, until I was sent this video on youtube, which describes the seven stages of a Twin Flame relationship. Please hit play below and watch it:


So it seems that although the Flames are finding one another, they are getting to the fourth stage  and then things fall apart. I have known of a few Twin Flame relationships that have not reached the last three stages, because of the ego. Because of fear, conditioning and holding onto the past. How can we help the Flames who are stuck to release these things and move forwards? Because for the Twin who has Awakened, who knows clearly that they should be together, it is very difficult to be apart from their Flame, because they know how it feels to be in their arms, to be with the one they love truly and unconditionally.

Why are souls so afraid to let down their walls, embrace their Twin fully and experience the bliss that is available to them?

I wish I had an answer, but I feel that by being aware of this and by understanding that it is a common occurrence between Flames, helps me to believe that there is an answer, a solution, to this. And that not only will Flames continue to reunite, but those who have met and parted from their Flames will get the second chance that they are wishing for.