Angels in Your Life

On the 12th March, I will be at the Angel’s in Your Life event in Chepstow, a day filled with talks about Angels and lots of stalls selling all things Angel-related! I will be giving a talk about Earth Angels, as well as have a stand with my books and oracle cards.

If you’d like more information, then hop on over to the Facebook page for the event. It’s on from 10am to 4pm, and looks like it’s going to be a wonderful day! I will try to get some photos of it, often at these events I’m so busy chatting that I forget to take pictures!

It’ll be my first event of 2016, but I am sure will not be my last, in fact I have lots of really exciting plans for this year which I am itching to tell you all about, but am waiting for things to be finalised.

I promise though, you will be the first to know when I do!


In other news and spring updates, there are new Oracle Reading videos on my YouTube channel, and I have begun releasing the episodes of a series called The Stories Behind the Stories. These videos feature me talking about what happened behind the scenes of writing and publishing the Earth Angel series.

Also, the online Earth Angel Training Academy is growing all the time, there are two classes available at the moment, with the third being created right now! I would be delighted to welcome you to the Academy, go and check it out. You can see a short video on what it’s all about here, and if you have any further questions, just email me at

Sending you love and blessings on this lovely sunny day!

Earth Angel Oracle Cards Now Available!

You can now get your very own deck of Earth Angel Oracle Cards as I have them back in stock again! To order, simply visit my website and pay via paypal, and I will post them out to you! They are only available from my website or from Peace of Stone in Monmouth, Zenith in Leominster, The Metta Centre in St Ives and RT Home in Brighton. Continue reading

Twin Flame Advice

In the last few weeks, I’ve had a few requests for Earth Angel Oracle Readings in response to my reading for those in the Runner Stage. This video is the first of a few I have to release over the next week or two, I hope you enjoy and that it holds some helpful advice for you too. Continue reading

Twin Flame Oracle Reading

Hello beautiful Earth Angels! Apologies for the blog being ultra quiet recently, I have been busy with the new book, which is being read by my Beta readers right now (cue biting nails!) and also I have been on a bit of a self-discovery journey with my health, which I will be blogging about soon, because I really want to share the things I have discovered in being my own health detective. If it’s helped me, it may help others! Continue reading

Back to School

Or rather, back to business! After a rather slow August, in terms of getting anything done, there is a definite feeling of really getting down to business this morning! Got up at literally the crack of dawn, and have already designed a flier, written a thousand words, made biscuits, created vouchers, sent some invoices and done the washing up.

It’s only 10am.

If I did this every day, I would really be on fire! Thing is though, I’m not normally an early bird, I’m very much a night owl, so this is a rarity, but I am going to make the most of it!

So, the reason for bothering you on this beautiful September’s day? To let you know that I will be offering Oracle Readings at two of my favourite venues – Peace of Stone in Monmouth and Zenith in Leominster. The first one day is in Peace of Stone, this coming Saturday, the 12th. I will be available for readings between 11am and 4.30pm. Then on the 21st September, I’m headed to Zenith in Leominster, where I will be offering readings all day and then doing a talk in the evening.

The final date in September is Saturday the 26th, back in Peace of Stone. I plan to do some dates in October too, to celebrate the release of The Twin Flame Resurrection (release date will be announced this week along with the cover reveal!) There is also something else that’s very exciting happening in October… will write a post all about it this week too! (Apologies for overuse of exclamation marks, can you tell how excited I am and how much chocolate I’ve already eaten today??)

earth angel card reading poster monmouth

Upcoming Earth Angel Talk

Apologies for posting so little lately, life has been super crazy and I have just about been keeping up with it all! I intended to post this info sooner than now, I do hope that it is still in time for it to be useful!

On Monday 23rd March (yes, in two days) I will be visiting the lovely ladies at Zenith in Leominster. Dawn and Willow are avid Earth Angel series fans, and I will be in the shop from 1pm that day doing Oracle Readings, and then in the evening from 6.30pm, I will be talking about the different realms and types of Earth Angel.

I’m really looking forward to meeting Dawn and Willow, and anyone else who happens to pop by! All the information you need is on the poster below. I do hope that if you’re in the area you might be able to join us, and if you aren’t this time, please do still express your interest to Dawn or to myself, as there’s a possibility of another evening happening in April in Zenith.

earth angel card reading poster

earth angel poster 2

First Oracle Reading of 2015!

It’s taken me a while to get to record this video, in answer to Brittney’s question about her Twin Flame. It was amazing how many similarities there were between Brittney and the man she feels is her Twin Flame and me and my Twin Flame. I sincerely hope that the reading helps her, and other Twin Flames who may also be in a similar situation, as I believe that there is a lot of good general advice for Twin Flames from Velvet and Amethyst in the reading too.

Please do leave feedback on the reading in the comments if it has helped you, and if you have a question of your own, email it to

New Twin Flame Oracle Readings

In the last week, I’ve recorded and posted two Oracle Card readings, and both questions were about Twin Flames. I know there are many Earth Angels out there who are having difficulties with their Flames, and I think the messages in these readings are relevant to a lot of us.

As I edited the videos, I had to laugh, and tell myself – “That bit was a message to you.” I find it much easier to give advice, than to take it. And taking my own advice? I find that even harder to do. And yet, I know that if I listen to myself and go within, I already have the answers to my questions, I already know what I need to do.

So I see these readings as reminders rather than advice. Reminders of what you already know, deep within.

If you would like to ask a question and receive your reminder, please do email me at

First Video in Brighton!

Since moving, I have not posted any oracle card readings, I do apologise for that. I did record a couple with an amazing Australian guy I met, but it was quite windy on the beach, and unfortunately, the sound wasn’t very good. If I find a way to fix the videos, I will post them at some point.
So last night, I recorded an oracle reading at my friends house, to answer a question that was sent to me by a lovely Earth Angel called Rosa. I was joined by the beautiful Mishy, you can watch the reading by clicking below:

If you would like to ask Aria, Amethyst or Velvet a question, please do send them to me at and I will record the answer. But also, as I point out in this reading, the most important thing is to listen to your own intuition and inner guidance, because deep down within, you know the answers to all of your questions!

As always, please like and share this post with your friends, it is very much appreciated.

Book Tours and Reviews and Oracle Readings!

It really has been a busy few weeks, and things seem set to continue in that way. This is just a short update, to mention a few things that have been happening.

First of all, I had a lovely review posted by Tiffany Hathorn, who read and loved The Elphite. She also interviewed me for her blog the other week. It seems mad that many people have read and loved The Elphite, but I have so few reviews on Amazon (or anywhere) for it. I’m determined to remedy that, by doing some more marketing for it, a part of my Visionary Collection launch.

I have finally edited and posted a new Oracle Card Reading, and will post another later in the week. You can watch it below 🙂


And finally, in this short update, I would like to put a call out to anyone who would like to get involved in my book tour, because I have to say, I think it will be epic! You can check out all of the details on the website.

Aside from that, I am focussed on finishing I’m Here, ready for release in just a couple of weeks, and organising more publishing workshops. (Oh and watching Fringe – ever so slightly addicted to it!)

I will post another update soon!